Thursday, 16 October 2008

°Bubbles° surgery? DONE!

You'll be happy to hear that our dear °Bubbles° has finally had the long awaited surgery this afternoon... sometime... I can't say what time exactly as I left her at 9 this morning, but I know for a fact that she woke up from her anesthesia and is doing well. She should be getting antsy and driving people crazy in say... oh wait, DONE!
Now our living situation hasn't changed much... unfortunately.
°Bubbles° discovered today that breaking her elbow is another way of guaranteeing food and board. This morning, at 730, cuz you know we had to be there at 630 because... well that still needs to be explained, but at 730 nonetheless, they bring around this menu that °Bubbles° needs to fill out for the next day. Some interesting facts about this are as follows:
°Bubbles° had to stop eating and drinking at midnight last night. So... make her look at a list of food?
- You have the option between "butter" and "spread portion". Butter please!
- Only one dessert. Pooheads. Oh and at lunch, one dessert is fruit and cheese. Dinner? cheese and biscuits. Somebody explain this.
°Bubbles°' roomates look brilliant. The lovely conversations they were having this morning. Great, really inspiring and educational.
As for me, *Sparkles*... well, day off. Shattered. Slept all afternoon. Continued looking for a place to live, because let's face it, I'm screwed. Especially since I'm working this week-end, so leaves my searching options very limited. Did see one nice house in the evening, but the landlord is a little weird.
Other parts of my life... at work, for a change, we're short staffed. We had a guy come in for a trial the other day. He walked out without telling any of us before service. It was quite funny. I'm already picking up shifts... 3 days in?
Finally, I still think boys are mysterious creatures. Really. Absolutely completely mysterious. I think some of the guys on camp were right about me on camp: I am part male; a recent turn of events has made me understand what guys feel when girls write seemingly nonchalant texts and play guessing games. Not fun.
I really should go to bed to avoid being crankier than I already am (
*Sparkles* cranky? Never - tcha, that's when the sparkles become deadly), but am enthralled by the Presidential debate. Some people are silly. Silly politicians.

To all,
°Bubbles° and *Sparkles* wish you good night. Wish/pray/demand/give us shelter... and anything else that you are willing to give us.

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